Tous les articles pour le tag Flormar


Nail art Nailpatchme again !

New week, new manicure! And poor me, my broken nail last week has not yet grown enough to make a beautiful nail art so I decided to use again nail patch to cover it all! I took out the board Play with me Grafic lines & rhinestone of Nailpatchme to do

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Nail art Chevrons

Modifier cette traduction en Français New week, new manicure! Continuing in my launched « my chrome nail polish is too beautiful, » I have this week introduced silver stickers with chevron pattern bought several months ago at Make it stick at the same time as the white versions that you saw here and

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Manucure Neon

New week, new manicure! This time, no particular pattern, just a color scheme that I wanted to very hot this week. I took out the pink neon that I haven’t often used so far, and the newly acquired neon green, bought on the land of Sangria. In order to avoid

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Manicure Green water

As promised a few days ago and because I have been absent from my blog last week, here’s my manicure of this week! Because I have three tricky appointments this week, I didn’t want to have the nails too colorful, too gaudy, too horniest. But because having decorated the fingertips

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Manicure Blue and hot green polka dots

New week, new manicure! So, as you have noticed, I failed in my little slogan and I was absent last week. In fact, as known by those who follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter, I went three days in Spain with my Man and a couple of friends. Having spent my Sunday evening

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