Restaurant The ramen burger


Early July, a friend of mine has found us a restaurant may seem a bit trivial since its specialty is the wok, but the evening serves ramen burgers …

W for Wok – Asian Cuisine

Taste of the meal  We could have ordered woks but the temptation was too great: burgers whose bread is replaced by noodles! It is not that crazy? One burger recipe but two dishes to choose from: soy beans or sweet potato chips. Verdict: it’s tasty!


I was a little afraid of the consistency of the noodles but it was neither too smooth nor too hard: just enough to replace the traditional bun. And for the filling, the meat was pretty good and what I remember most is the sauce a bit sweet which makes all the difference. About the rest, I loved soy beans: I loved even if it meant dissect! And sweet potato chips, it’s good but not very practical to eat!


For dessert, nothing very typical Asian since has taken quite ok milkshake but a girlfriend took the banana pancakes a bit special …


Setting The restaurant is more like a fast food than a traditional restaurant. It was a night match so I will not tell the mood! For cons, the restaurant is located at Metro Château d’eau, a popular neighborhood that can be scary to some.

Service Nothing special

Price 1 soda 1 ramen burger+ 1 milkshake I got for € 15 and despite appearances the dish was hearty! This is quite a good value.

Recommendation’s rate: 3,5/5

W for WOK 12, rue des petites écuries – Paris

Kim, tricoteuse passionnée

Kim, tricoteuse passionnée

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