Tous les articles pour le tag South american food


Restaurant Back to Santa Carne’s

For some years, when my birthday is  a week day, my man and I celebrate the event by going to the restaurant. Because I’m a carnivore, I decided to go back to Santa Carne’s I had known last year thanks to friends who took us there. Santa Carne –  Argentine cuisine,

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Table Santa Carne, the hotspot of meat lovers

It’s been a long time since I have not shared with you here a  hotspot, and yet I have a very good one  for meat lovers. Santa Carne that is near Bastille serves Argentinean specialties and more important especially meat directly from Argentina and prepared in the tradition of the country.

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Restaurant Travel to Colombia

I like to go to restaurant and discover new addresses but they are mostly French restaurants. I recently told you about a Tibetan restaurant but I must admit most of the restaurants that I tested miss exotic. So this time I made ​​you travel with me to South America via

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