Tous les articles pour le tag Lily


Manicure Summer time

New week, new manicure! Well I know I was missing the last 2 weeks but I’ve had busier weekends than usual and I’m like a little grandma, and if I have not my little hour on Sunday afternoon to do my manicure, I zap until the following Sunday! And those

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Manicure Simply multicolor

New week, new manicure! Having colored the tips of my nails before New Year’s Eve, this manicure is actually my first of the year. For this, I chose something simple because I didn’t use any pattern but colorful because here we have three colors. It’s not because the sky is

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Manicure The pink wave

New week, new manicure! For those who follow me on Twitter know that I did not spend the most exciting weekend since I got ripped off two wisdom teeth. So I was not specifically shaped to a manicure crazy. But as I’m not of whom love conventional and simple manicures

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