Résultats de la recherche pour : léa – Page 22


Between storm & heatwave

We are on the last days of June and if you’re in Parisians, you will agree with me and say that it was not the most beautiful month of the year. So much that between heat wave and storm I sometimes wore boots and not really left the shawls and

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Caroll Blogger party

I have so much to show you but I’m so late! You’ve heard there are at least 10 days on some blogs: Carroll evening dedicated to bloggers and me too, I was there with the Elodie of WhatKatyDidNext. On June 9 with 19 other pairs (blogger + guest) we came

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Manucure When butterfly flies…

Nouvelle semaine, nouvelle manucure ! J’y ai malheureusement dérogé la semaine dernière mais j’ai des circonstances atténuantes ! Oui, je suis partie en week-end, mais je vous en parlerai très bientôt ! En attendant, un focus sur la manucure de la semaine. Je suis revenue à mes basics, à savoir

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Between sun & storm

I know, I a little bit absent in « fashion side » but I assure you, I dress up every day! It’s just that I do not really have time or opportunity to take photos of my outfits. So this weekend when my parents had a barbecue again, I took out the

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Foire de Paris 2011

This year I had the pleasure to browse the many aisles and halls of the Foire de Paris exhibition. And this year, I came back home with arms full of things more or less useful. After my feedback about the Lilibricole workshops and my flowers French with a plate of

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I am drill uninhibited

You probably know (or not), the Foire de Paris started on April 28th and I love it! For me it’s a giant and international teleshopping where you can find anything! This year I visited the website to know the program of activitise and I found the LiliBricole workshops. The concept?

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✿ Pâques à la campagne ✿

J’espère que vous avez passé un aussi excellent week-end de Pâques que moi : ensoleillé, plein de gourmandises et de sourires. Dimanche, je suis allée à la campagne pour une journée en Famille avec un grand F : les parents, les enfants, les frères et sœurs, les cousins et cousines,

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✿ Easter in the country side ✿

I hope you had a great Easter weekend than mine: sunny, full of good meals and smiles. Sunday I went to the countryside for a family day with a capital F: parents, children, brothers and sisters, cousins​​, cousins ​​of cousins ​​etc.. In the morning, we took the car to go

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Creation Mini pouch

Drum roll, here my first knitted case! Made with wool falls that one of my colleagues gave me, the case is lined with a patterned fabric. And small detail, a small button to close the case. he case is not perfect, but it is my first one… Jersey stitch and

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It smells good summer time

Today in Paris, the weather was particularly beautiful. And that’s good because it was precisely the day that my N+1 chose to organize a team picnic. At the lunch break, it was with our sunglasses on nose, tablecloth and throws under our arm that we went on the tip of

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T-shirt Gaya, modèle Mauricette C, tricoté en Cotton Cashmere

Hello Kim est un blog personnel où je partage les expériences qui me touchent. Les sujets sont multiples mais ces dernières années c’est le tricot, la couture et de DIY qui sont les plus présents ! Vous trouverez ici mes réalisations, patrons et astuces. Bref, je m’appelle Kim et je suis créatrice de contenus, j’espère inspirants !

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Le tricot circulaire, Editions Mango

Tricot circulaire

Coffre Bonnet à tricoter

Tricot zen

30 accessoires et bijoux au tricot et crochet

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