So you’ve been spoiled by Santa Claus? For my part, here are some selected pieces of surprises that great bearded gentleman left on the foot of my Christmas tree for my man and I. And with that, I receive enough money to pay my next journeys to London scheduled for mid-January. I hope that there will be some interesting stuff to buy 3 weeks after the beginings of sales.
1. Vanilla scented wheat filled hottie in owl shape too cute – Accessorize 2. + 3. Mustard-colored handbag – Marc by Marc Jacobs 4. Wii Play Motion + Wiimote and Nunchuck to complet our set of joysticks for Wii. 2 video games for Wii : Kirby’s Adventure and The Lapins crétins Return to the past 5. Coffee cup + saucer – Extra Large 6. Marco Wallet in Epi Cannel – Louis Vuitton